Nine Hole Tribute

Oakleigh Standard Times, Wednesday February 1, 1978

David Brien

At the bottom of Park Rd, Oakleigh, where Scotchman’s Creek meanders through an area that was once a lake, is some land which in the next years will become a tribute to the work of many of Oakleigh Council; both councillors and staff.

The land, with sculptured lawns and hundreds of trees planted will be opened in April as the Oakleigh Municipal Golf Course.

Work begun on the nine hole course in 1971 and will have cost $360,000 by the time of opening. 

That seems a fair slug for a gentleman’s sport so last week I was taken on a guided tour of the course by the Major Cr John Perryman and assistant Engineer, Mike Dickenson, to see if the cost was justified.

And in a word, yes.

Cr John Perryman and Mr Mike Dickenson inspect plans at the sixth green

Oakleigh is already well endowed with golf courses but they are all private clubs.  The new course will give people in the area a chance to play when they want, without having to go outside the municipality and without having to spend more than $1.

The area where the course has been established was for many years an eye-sore and possibly a health hazard.  Now it is a pleasant park land, planted with native trees, encouraging the birdlife, and aesthetically pleasing to look at.

For the golfer, although a nine-hole course is sometimes not appreciated, this will provide a few challenges.

The way things are at the moment the course consists of four par 4 holes and five par 3. The first hole is the longest with a straight drive of around 330 yards to the green. From there the course winds along the Northern side of Scotchman’s creek, to the manager’s residence at Park Rd.

In front of the residence the ground-staff will be establishing a putting green for practice and while waiting to tee off.

When opened, the manager’s residence will have a pro-shop, changing facilities, a waiting room and a kiosk.

Opposite the course there is parking for around 50 cars.  The council hopes to appoint a Professional Golfer’s Association member as a manager for the course some time in March.  The grand opening should be held in April.

Already, members of the Spring Valley Golf Club have offered their assistance to the council for the opening and establishment of the course.  Cr Perryman said he was very appreciative of this type of support and would like to publicly thank the club for its assistance.

The support from the club is indicative of the reaction of much of the community. 

Older residents would know the area as being heavily polluted by industry. But this will go a long way towards improving the area.”  Cr Perryman said.

Sitting beneath the trees at the established sixth green, it was nice to image being able to slip away during lunch-time for a quick round.

Cr Perryman and Mr Dickenson talk about the hopes they hold for the course. 

There is a large tract of Board of Works land on the South side of the creek.  It is hope to establish that as a passive recreation area.

Another hope is the encouragement of the area’s schools to use the course.

Council resolved last year to offer a cut rate to children. 

Also if the course proves popular a club is to be envisaged – but that would be a decision of the people using the course, according to Cr Perryman.

Plans more immediate and real are the ones for the opening which hoped to be a family gala day for people of the municipality. 

So if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go and work on my handicap.