Being a Good Sport

Good Sports Program

OGC is in the process of joining the Good Sports program

Good Sports is a free Australia-wide program building stronger community sporting clubs  It’s run by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF), an independent and not for profit organisation, funded by state and federal governments. The ADF is committed to building strong communities and limiting the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs.

Members Bar & Liquor Licensing

Oakleigh Golf Club holds a liquor licence with the VGCCC and operates under these licence conditions.

We do not supply liquor or permit liquor to be supplied to a person under the age of 18 years. We will ask for ‘proof of age’

We main an up to date alcohol incident register. Guests must sign in.

Non alcoholic drinks are available. Water is freely available

Food (lunch) is served during the bar hours.

Smoking Policy

No smoking is permitted inside Monash Council premises. OGC do not sell cigarettes or e-cigarettes.

We request that smokers be considerate of secondary smoke and other non smoking members.

Quit smoking. Your health will benefit as soon as you stop smoking so find out what steps to follow in order to quit. Learn about different quitting methods and how you may feel during the process. Find out about support that’s available to help you, or a friend or family member, quit smoking.

Quitline 13 78 48

Illicit Drugs

OGC has a zero tolerance policy towards illicit drugs.  Members found in possession or using drugs will be barred and police notified.

Looking for non-judgmental and confidential information or advice? DrugInfo can help.  Call or email DrugInfo for facts about alcohol and other drugs, advice on how to support a loved one, and to get connected with relevant services in your state and territory.

DrugInfo 1300 85 85 84