Anti Doping Policy


In 2004, the Word Anti-Doping Code (the ‘Code’) became operational and was revised in 2009. The Australian Federal Government is a signatory to a International Convention against Doping in Sport and this requires Australian sports organisations to be compliant with anti-doping policies. To this end the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) was established in 2006.

Victorian Policy

To this end, the Victoria government has implemented a Victorian Sports Anti-doping Policy which reflects the requirements of the Code, the International Convention and Australia’s national anti-doping policy template as issued by ASADA.

Club Policy

Oakleigh Golf Club aims to educate the sporting community in general on the harm of doping to the ethical values of sport and the health consequences of doping. If the Captain believes that a competition winner (or place getter) has been playing under the influence of performance enhancing substances, he may request that the player be subject to testing. This includes Viagra(TM) and its other generic forms.